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Introducing Google Chrome with 3D

Postat: 2011-apr-01, 10:40
av Imposter10
Introducing Google Chrome with 3D i 3D!?, ja nu är det möjligt tack vare Google Crome (skithäftigt)

Beta User Testimonials


“Enabling Chrome’s 3D functionality allowed me to see so much more than I ever thought was possible.”

Jason T., Student

“My architectural renderings pop out like never before (literally). My clients are very pleased, and so am I!”

Anna Christina D., Architect

“Researching the Mayan ruins became much more interesting once I put on my 3D glasses and watched the history come to life.”

Brett W., Paleontologist

“First 2D, now 3D... what’s next? 4D? Keep it coming, Google!”

Christine T., Physicist

Postat: 2012-jun-11, 11:17
av seXsson
thats a joke you see it on the top of that site.